About Springfield Day Nursery
Our setting is Degree lead with childcare level 3 or above staff. We also support the training of apprentices and the ongoing professional development of all staff, which provides a safe and happy environment for all children within the nursery.
Sarah who is a nursery owner (partnership) has a Degree BA Hons in Education and Early Years Professional Status. She is the safeguarding lead. Sarah leads a team of highly motivated and caring staff who all work towards encouraging the full potential of all the children.
Liz is the Deputy Manager, she has a BTEC Level 3 and is the setting SENCO. She joined the nursery in 2003. Liz over sees practices throughout the nursery, complying with current legislation and furthering parental partnerships.
Recruitment, Safeguarding and Policies
Safer recruitment practices are used for all members of nursery staff.
All staff have an enhanced DBS check before employment commences.
Mobile phones and non-nursery cameras are not permitted to be used in any areas accessed by the children.
All of our policies and procedures are available on request.
Special Educational Needs & Disabilities, Inclusion and Equal Opportunities
We are committed to providing an inclusive and anti-discriminatory environment for children and their families, recognising individual needs. The SEND Co-ordinator is responsible for the early identification of individual needs and the monitoring and assessment of all children. We work closely with families and other professionals to meet each child’s individual needs. Our SEND policy is available on request.