Springfield Day Nursery

Babies – from birth to walking unaided

Benefit from a homely playroom, which is well resourced with equipment to promote their curiosity and development. They have a separate sleep room, nappy changing room and conservatory for meals and messy play. They also have their own enclosed garden for outdoor play. We provide mid-morning and mid-afternoon snacks. A two course lunch by King Edwards School is available for weaned babies. Parents are welcome to bring in their own food for younger babies. Staff work closely with parents to maintain babies’ routines to help with a smooth transition into nursery. Arrangements will be made for Mothers to breast feed their baby at nursery. Two members of our baby room staff have in addition to their child care qualifications, Advanced Practice in Working with Babies and Experiences and Environments for Babies 0-24 months. A daily record of nappy changes, feeds and sleep times are available for parents on the Famly App.

Middle Nursery

When your child is ready and becoming more independent they will transition into Middle Nursery. The playroom, which provides a stimulating environment and resources to help develop the areas of learning, has sand, water and paints out all day every day. It also has a separate changing area and enclosed garden. Sleep patterns and toileting are recorded for each child, other key information will be shared with the parents daily on the Famly app. We provide healthy mid-morning and afternoon snacks. The children have a two course lunch and any dietary requirements are catered for by King Edward School.

Main Nursery

When children are ready, they join the older children who are with us until they go to school. The layout of the room encourages development in the seven areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage, through a wide range of resources and equipment.

Sand, water and paint are available all day every day. Large enclosed, well resourced garden that allows us to provide learning opportunities outside. We provide healthy mid-morning and afternoon snacks. The children have a two course lunch, any dietary requirements are catered for by the King Edward School.

As well as this additional activities at no extra cost include:

Music sessions with a visiting pianist and percussion sessions.

In-house dance sessions.

Weekly sessions for all children by a trained practitioner.

Baby Gym
Using equipment to aide physical development.

Opportunities to speak Spanish through games, songs and activities.

Measure, mix and eat a variety of goodies, often using produce from the garden.

Festivals are acknowledged by art works and drama.
At Christmas a representative from the Church of England visits to explain the nativity. Father Christmas visits for the Christmas parties with complimentary presents for every nursery child.

In preparation for school the Springers have an extended range of activities with specialised resources in a separate area. Parents are invited termly to discuss their child’s progress and development. Relationships have been built with several local schools to aid the children’s transition to school.

Various ICT equipment such as a child friendly camera and computer.

Book Room
Providing the children with a quiet and cosy space.

Role Play
Varies for example from house, shop, vets, travel agents.

The Garden
Large enclosed, well resourced garden that allows us to provide learning opportunities outside, offering a wide range of opportunities for exploration for each of our age groups of children.

We have hens, incubated from fertilised eggs. The children take turns in taking home an egg for ‘tea’. Learning about life cycles, Tadpoles to Frogs. Fruit trees and bushes of which produce is used in cookery sessions with the children. Established trees provide plenty of shade on a sunny day. Raised beds are used for the children to help with gardening. A wide variety of equipment helps to promote children’s large motor skills.

Key persons, planning and progress monitoring using the Famly App
To comply with the statutory requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage each child has an individual Learning Journey and is allocated a key person using the online Famly App. Through observations and interactions the key person will plan for the next steps of each individual child. We aim to provide opportunities to experience the awe and wonder of the world in which they live, through the Early Years Foundation Stage, development matters.

Learning Journeys are always available via the Famly App and will include observations and photographs. We welcome and encourage parental feedback and involvement. Each child’s progress is individually tracked.

A two year old progress check which is a written summary of a child’s development is carried out and shared with parents. You may wish to share this with your health visitor who also carries out their own assessment at two.

Partnership with Parents
Open door policy.
We aim to foster relationships with all our parents and carers to promote all round care for each individual child. To assist with this we have an open door policy. We encourage parents to discuss the needs of the child. We hold termly individual parents meetings and termly general information sessions.
As well as sharing information through the Famly App a half termly newsletter is sent to every parent.